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The Virtual Writing Café

A free coworking community for neurodivergent entrepreneurs who find writing so much easier when they're not alone

Coworking to get your writing done

Now through September 2024

Abstract Building

What's with this coworking thing everybody's doing all of a sudden?

Coworking is MAGICAL when it comes to lighting a fire under your butt to get started on your blog post, website copy, marketing email, or whatever -- and to keep at it without hyperfocusing, forgetting to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom ...

Somehow the presence of other people helps boost our energy just enough to motivate us to get started.


This "body doubling" is where the magic happens.


It's especially helpful for writing, especially when you're living with ADHD. Our energy is often inconsistent, so it's often unimaginably hard to rely on ourselves to just sit down and start writing, and then to stay on task. Just getting up in the morning takes so much energy that by the time we sit down to write, we're already halfway through our supply of spoons for the day. 


But put another person in the room, even online, and we get a bit more energy (thank you, dopamine!). 


Get that person to give us a deadline, and we're good to go! We'll respect someone else's timer even when we won't respect our own, so we'll actually start and stop when it's time.

How does it work?

  • 3 timed writing "sprints" with short breaks

  • 2nd break is longer and includes time for Q&A/discussion 

  • prompt will be offered for first writing sprint (you wouldn't go for a run without stretching, right?)

  • every session begins with a brief grounding exercise -- a bit of mindfulness to help you settle in the space

  • quick check-in and check-out, with an opportunity (but no obligation) to state intention at the beginning and then at the end, say how you're doing and how things went


Sound good? Cool! Sign up below to work together to get sh*t done! 


(Most important thing: All activities are optional -- we're all grown-ups here -- and if you want to switch things up, for godssake tell me and we'll change it together!)


Another most important thing: Does it go without saying that the aim is for a kind, respectful, peaceful space that's safe for adult humans of any age, gender identification, race, spiritual practice, culture, body shape, socio-economic status and anything I haven't thought of yet? Probably? Well, I'll say it anyway. I'm a cis-white-straight aging feminist woman trying to learn how to be an ally for people who don't share my privilege. I'm not quite sure what that looks like -- it keeps changing -- but I'm very sure of this: we really won't get along if you feel a need to be unkind in any way, let alone make any remarks (out loud or in the chat) that are racist, classist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, body shaming, threatening in any way or just plain creepy. I have banned people in the past and will do so again if I need to. I don't like doing it, but I will. (P.S. if swearing offends you, you'll probably be pretty uncomfortable. Six weeks working in a fish plant = potty mouth for life.) 

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